Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A Magic Spell for the Far Journey

The journey in search of longevity, immortality or enlightenment can take a long time with no recourse if death arrives before the destination is reached, if at all. For according to Daoist immortals, only the right person can attain Tao. If we are on the right path and use the correct means at least we know we have tried. And life goes on. Meanwhile one shares A Magic Spell for the Far Journey with fellow travelers:

Four words crystallize the spirit in the space of energy.
In the sixth month white snow is suddenly seen to fly.
At the third watch the sun’s disk sends out blinding rays.
In the water blows the wind of the Gentle.
Wandering in heaven, one eats the spirit-energy of the Receptive.
And the still deeper secret of the secret:
The land that is nowhere, that is the true home……

1) According to Lu Tungpin (one of the eight immortals), Yu Ch’ing left behind him this magic spell for the far journey. The entire spell is on the inner alchemy process as explained by Lu in the Secret of the Golden Flower [Wilhelm/Jung/Baynes].

2) Using the correct means probably you could see the visions and feel the flows within.

3) Yu Ch’ing may be a personage in the Spring and Autumn era. “Shod in straw sandals and carrying an umbrella, he spoke with King Hsiao-cheng of Chao. After one interview he was given a hundred yi of gold and a pair of white jade discs, while after a second interview he was made chief minister. Thus he was known as Yu Ching or Minister Yu. For the sake of a friend, he gave up his fief of ten thousand families and the seal of a chief minister. After that he wrote a book, based on material from the past as well as his observations of recent events, which was handed down to posterity. The book is known as the Annals of Yu Ching.” (Shiji / Records of the Historian [Sima Qian])

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