Saturday, March 02, 2013

Dissolution of the 12th Malaysian Parliament prediction date (s)

After almost two years of speculating over the dissolution of Parliament and a call for an early general election, the Malaysian public is weary of waiting and has become skeptical of date predictions. Although there is only two months left for an automatic dissolution of Parliament under the Constitution, the Malaysian Prime Minister still has the de facto prerogative to dissolve it earlier and call for a general election.

The predicted dates for the dissolution of Parliament by Mr. Lim Kit Siang of the Democratic Action Party (DAP), the perennial opposition party for the past fifty years or more in Malaysia, are quite close. So are the dates provided in the Malaysian Chronicle on Monday, February 25, 2013, since the dates were proffered by source(s) who had attended the meeting with the Prime Minister the previous Friday, February 22, 2013?

The predicted dates (from reliable sources as well) ranged from February 22 to March 7, 2013 in Mr. Lim’s blog while the Malaysian Chronicle’s source indicated the dates to anytime between March the 1st to March 15th.

Unless someone can really read the mind of the Prime Minister, how would we know if the predicted dates are correct or not?

But have no fear, since the Book of Changes is here!

Even before the Prime Minister has had intimated the various dates for the dissolution of parliament to his senior ministers that particular Friday, February 22, 2013, the Book of Changes has already indicated the timing (dates) to this student. Of course, as the position of a Prime Minister carries certain charisma, therefore the dates given in my blog could be out by a day or two.

According to my interpretation of the Book of Changes prognostication and the timing, the Prime Minister will on March 9, 2013, or within a week thereafter, call for the Malaysian Parliament to be dissolved.

Therefore the quoted prediction dates in the other two blogs are quite close.

If Yijing aficionados and skeptics reread my actions and hints provided in the previous article published on February 21, 2013 titled “When the Book of Changes say”, they may discern if I really know the timing or not.


Jesed said...

Predicting dates is always a risky effort, even for sincere students. Best wishes.

Allan said...

Yes, Jesed and Hi! The element of risk comes about when the decision (the timing) is made only by one person; and especially where he is rumored to be advised by Indian astrologers and possibly bomohs. Since these advisers can predict something about the future.

Probably by deferring the date of dissolution, they hope to change the inevitable.