Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Most Complete Sincerity

Serious students or those advanced in Yi studies would do well if they study ancient thoughts on the subject to better understand the Yi, to improve their own divination skills and interpretation of the prognostications. As indicated in the Sincerity post, I will now share an ancient thought which depicts how a Yi diviner using yarrow stalks (milfoil) can reach the highest level that is to divine like a spirit (shen).

The thought also underpin one’s experiences that the Yi can tell the future (the ability to foreknow) and more if one understands the multi-layered answers (omens). Although one makes no claim of having attained such a level, from experience one knows it is achievable. For the past several years, one is usually aware that the Yi wants to say something consequently one consults the yarrow oracle to obtain the omen (s). The interpretation skills then come into play to clearly understand the omen(s).

Perhaps some of those reading this post if not there already can one day reach this highest level and I do hope that they can teach me how to possess this most complete sincerity:

“It is only he who is possessed of the most complete sincerity that can exist under heaven, who can give its full development to his nature. Able to give its full development to his own nature, he can do the same to the nature of other men. Able to give its full development to the nature of other men, he can give full development to the natures of animals and things. Able to give their full development to the natures of creatures and things, he can assist the transforming and nourishing powers of Heaven and Earth. Able to assist the transforming and nourishing powers of Heaven and Earth, he may with Heaven and Earth form a tern ion.”

“It is characteristic of the most entire sincerity to be able to foreknow. When a nation or family is about to flourish, there are sure to be happy omens; and when it is about to perish, there are sure to be unlucky omens. Such events are seen in the milfoil and tortoise, and affect the movements of the four limbs. When calamity or happiness is about to come, the good shall certainly be foreknown by him and the evil also. Therefore the individual possessed of the most complete sincerity is like a spirit.”
Doctrine of the Mean (Chung Yung) [James Legge]

For those who cultivates Tao, please take note of the qouted first paragraph. It may help in their far journey.

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