Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Heavenly signs of the times – updates 3

On September 18, 2007, a super typhoon traveling at speeds of between 200 to 300 mph grazed Northern Taiwan and now heads towards Shanghai. Taiwan ordered her stock market and businesses to close while China ordered 200,000 people living in exposed areas in Shanghai to move to temporary shelters before evening. (Check out various online media for news report.)

According to Reuters, typhoons, large cyclones known as hurricanes in the West, regularly hit China, Taiwan, the Philippines and Japan during summer, gathering strength from the warm waters of the Pacific or the South China Sea before weakening over land.

Frankly, I was not aware of the summer phenomenon of super strong winds and that of the prediction by seismic experts of series of small earthquakes which will lead to the big one, when publishing the omen given by the Zhouyi.

But unlike their known(s), omens given by the Yi depict both time and space that is why the Book of Changes is profound.

It is said in the Da Zhuan (The Great Treatise) that

The eight signs constitute each a small completion. When we continue and go further and add to the situations all their transitions, all possible situations on earth are encompassed. It reveals tao and renders nature and action divine. Therefore with its help we can meet everything in the right way, and with its help can even assist the gods themselves. The Master said: Whoever knows the tao of the changes and transformations, knows the action of the gods.

Modern Yi scholars and the scientists tend to think that the ancient Chinese sages and the wise did not hold any clues as to what can happen in heaven and on earth, perhaps calling the traditionalists ignorant or mere superstitious. How could modern Yi scholars and scientists ever fully comprehend the workings of tao and nature since they would rely on derivative methods or science to predict natural calamities, and are so full?

I am not claiming that errors have never been made in my Yi predictions which include interpretations. If what my Daoist friend have indicated before is correct, perhaps a one in ten occurs. Probably the great sage, Confucius himself had made mistakes in Yi divinations too which could be the reason why he in his seventies still wished for fifty more years to study the Zhouyi so that he would not commit great errors? (Analects)

But when it comes to omens and heaven secrets, the Zhouyi has been dead right with the timing on the dot.

If the omen on natural disaster(s) in 2007 actually turns out to be correct and recent readers from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan have somehow avoided the calamity because of their affinity with the ancients, Buddhas, Daoist immortals and the Zhouyi by reading this blog, perhaps they should thank the divinities in the Daoist and/or Buddhist temples in their respective Asian countries. Those not religious or of a different belief can thank the Zhouyi for giving the omen and the forewarnings.

The reasons for not providing the actual time of occurrence of the omen are manifold. Glory seekers with no merit of their own may want to create a sensation, misleading and unnecessarily frighten their readers. (There were one or two Yi ‘experts’ who did so after the publication of the ‘another 9/11?’ omen in 2003.) It would also dissuade people who read or heard about the omen from pretending to be ShenXian (Daoist deities and immortals). I do not want shares investors to miss out on possible rebounds in the global stock markets since the US and European Central Banks are toiling to stabilize credit and financial markets. Not publishing the time would also allow me to learn from fellow Yi aficionados, if any, who can read omens with much more clarity. It would also allow me to remain blameless.

When it is timely to do so, one will definitely publish the complete omen depicting the time and space.

Meanwhile hope readers especially those from the indicated Asian countries would prepare for all eventualities of a forthcoming natural disaster, if any.

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