Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Having trouble sleeping?

My eldest sister called the other day with news about her planned trip home with family. While on the line she told me that she had some trouble sleeping recently. She could only fall asleep after lying in bed for a few hours.

Then she remembered the simple sitting meditation with the basic breath control I had taught her previously, and she practised it before going to bed. She sounded happy while telling me; she could now fall asleep within a few minutes after doing the meditation.

This is one of the benefits that I was not aware of until she gave me the feedback, since one has no trouble falling asleep.

If you have trouble falling asleep, perhaps you can try the same sitting meditation with the basic breath control that I have taught my father, my siblings and kin.

The two relevant entries are Simple sitting and Basic breath control listed on the section under Meditation written in early 2006.

The simple sitting should be suitable for everyone but not the basic breath control. If you have recent surgery, do not practise the basic breath control until the incision(s) have fully healed. Neither should those below the age of 26 practise it.

In some countries, the teaching of this basic breath control takes months and can cost you some money. In this blog, it is another one of those freebies for the sharing of health and wealth (knowledge).

Whether you are rich or poor, living under a roof or stretching out under the open sky, religious or not, happy or sad, well educated or illiterate, you can still practise this simple and easy meditation if you wish. And it is free.


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